website You could be a life line for the elderly

You could be a life line for the elderly


You may think that saving the lives of the elderly is a job restricted to doctors, nurses and care providers but life lines for the elderly come in all different forms. Small gestures from individuals can end up being a huge life line for the elderly and can greatly improve the lives of the elderly. In many cases, it may even extend their lifespans more than you’d think.

Contact and Communication

Researchers at the University of California in San Francisco found that loneliness and decline in the elderly were explicitly linked. Following a group of 1,600 adults with a similar socioeconomic and health status, the lonely participants held consistently higher mortality rates. Even a little bit of contact goes a long way, too. When you have some free time you could spend a couple of minutes checking up on an elderly relative over the phone or pop round and visit an elderly neighbour for a cup of tea! It really is that simple. A couple of minutes out of your day can make all the difference to their lives and wellbeing.


AGE UK run befriending services as well as friendship centres in a bid to combat elderly isolation.


Unfortunately immediate, life-threatening emergencies (such as a fall or an accident) do sometimes present themselves and we have to take precautions to prevent them from ending in disaster – especially when we can’t always be there to help. Helpline can be a vital emergency life line for the elderly, especially if they live alone. A simple click of a button puts your loved one in contact with one of our team who will assess their situation individually and act accordingly, whether that be to get in contact with you or the emergency services. Helpline acts as a safety net to ensure that your loved one can continue living independently in the comfort of their own home whilst also ensuring that someone is on hand to help 24/7, 365 days of the year. So you can rest assured that wherever you are in the world, your loved one is never alone.